Originally published on Harvard Business Review
Sometime in the near future, the CEO of a large telecom provider is using a smartphone app to check on her organization’s seven strategic initiatives. Within a few taps, she knows the status of every project and what percentage of expected benefits each one has delivered. Project charters and key performance indicators are available in moments, as are each team member’s morale level and the overall buy-in of critical stakeholders.
She drills down on the “rebranding” initiative. A few months earlier, a large competitor had launched a new green brand, prompting her company to accelerate its own sustainability rollout. Many AI-driven self-adjustments have already occurred, based on parameters chosen by the project manager and the project team at the initiative’s outset. The app informs the CEO of every change that needs her attention — as well as potential risks — and prioritizes decisions that she must make, providing potential solutions to each.
Before making any choices, the CEO calls the project manager, who now spends most of his time coaching and supporting the team, maintaining regular conversations with key stakeholders, and cultivating a high-performing culture. A few weeks earlier the project had been slightly behind, and the app recommended that the team should apply agile techniques to speed up one project stream.
Read the full article on HBR: https://hbr.org/2023/02/how-ai-will-transform-project-management